
Color Block Crochet Blanket Pattern

cat bagMy Mother-In-Law’s crochet bag was on the list of necessities that moved into Wyoming temporary housing. It’s a sequined and beaded bag with sparkly painted cats on it so you know that I’ve kept it near to feel close to her and not because it completes my plain Jane wardrobe. Before the movers arrived, I saved a few skeins of yarn from her stash and put them in the cat bag just in case the urge hit to start a new project.

Much to B’s dismay, this was in addition to the two other half-finished projects, including the Lifelong Friendships and Crochet Circles Afghan, that also HAD to move with the first round of stuff. I’m glad it came along though, because I made this color block crochet blanket with some of her yarn and I’m thrilled with how it turned out. I’ve written up the pattern for you below.

Color-Block Baby Blanket Crochet Pattern

Blanket will be approximately 26“ x 26”
This is my first pattern, it’s accurate; but, please forgive the amateur format


2 skeins of homespun thick and quick yarn in the colors of your choosing

1 crochet hook, size P (10mm)


  1. ch 40 loosely
  2. ch 3 ,
  3. dc in the 3rd ch from the hook (the 40th ch) and then each stitch until the end of the row.
  4. At the end of the first row, ch 3 and reverse your blanket and dc in every stitch.
  5. Repeat step four 15 more times for a total of 17 rows. (this will use most of the 1st skein of yarn.)
  6. Change yarn color.
  7. dc in every stitch for another 6 rows with the second color
  8. ch 3 and then dc around the entire outer edge with the second color. The edge of each row receives 2 dc per row.
  9. When you reach a corner stitch, 2 dc, ch 3, 2 dc all in the same stitch. This will give you a nice sharp turn at the corner.
  10. Slip st when you make it back around to where you started
  11. ch 1 and then sc in every stitch around the blanket to give a nice finished edge. Each corner should hold three single crochets.

As seen on:

Thrifty Thursday @ Living Well Spending Less

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